2023年5月31日 星期三

My 22Nov05 post from the FB group, TYPEONEGRIT

    Hello, guys. I am Taiwanese living in Taiwan, and was diagnosed T1D at 19-year-old in 2005. Here in Taiwan, I was raised by a high-carb and vegetable-oil diet. In 2001 when I was 15, out of reason I gained more than 10kg from 60 to 70-something (I am tall 185cm), and had difficulty suddenly in my learning and social abilities. In 2005 when diagnosed T1D, I was given amaryl immediately, which is sulfonylurea, then be given novorapid and lantus several months later. Until 2021, I had been treated more than sixteen years by the ADA guidelines.
    I couldn't stand my own life anymore in 2021 summer. I had kept my HbA1c around 7 to 8, and counted carb such as rice, noodle and starch with novorapid. However, I knew there's something wrong because I just felt unstable and miserable all the time. In Taiwan, we have obligated public health-care insurance held by government, and there are no diabetes drugs over the counter but by doctor's prescription only. All the decades until 2021 I had obtained my insulin pens and learned diabetical treatments and knowledges from endocrine doctors and educators. I know that if I want to find another way to treat myself, I have to do the research by my own.
    First I just searched on the youtube for help, and I found out Dr. Berg's channel about keto and fasting teaching. By his video, I knew Dr. Jason Fung and Megan Ramos. And many names just showed up before me, like Gary Taubes, Robert Lustig, Jimmy Moore, Nina Teicholz, Richard Feinman, and of course the Dr. Bernstein, who is the only one providing practical and detailed T1D treatments.
    I have read《Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution》4th-edition over and over, and told my endo to change novorapid to regular. Communicating with endo doctors and educators became painful and troublesome since I asked for medical changes and lowered my HbA1c to 4.7~5.1 after February this year. They just can't figure out how I did it, and when I tried to explain to them about the normal blood sugar, often the conflicts happened. These unpleasant talking enlightened me that just like Dr. Bernstein says many times in his teleseminars, I should find a kind family doctor for drugs I need and treat myself by the book.
    Now I'm still working on it to lower my HbA1c and BG deviation to 10mg/dL. I usually check my BG by strips 6~10 times at fixed hours with two meals (breakfast and lunch) a day. I use regular 50 minutes before meals and take a coverage dose 2 to 3 hours after lunch. If hyper happens, I would take another correction. What bothers me right now is the evening BG: if my BG keeps lowering, then I can't sleep at night. Second is that when I keep my BG in 70 to 80 range before sleep, sometimes I would get hypo at wake-up even I don't take bed-time basal dose. Maybe I still need to adjust my basal dosages.
    I'm grateful knowing typeonegrit and able to participate in it. There is no such Dr. Bernstein's solution group in Taiwan, and no its chinese translation book here too. However, knowing that there are people around the world who have diabetes with BG 83mg/dL is exciting and stimulating. The informations and knowledges here help a lot, and it's good knowing you guys.




  《伯恩斯坦醫師的糖尿病治療方法》第四版選譯13-3   以下是從《伯恩斯坦醫師的糖尿病治療方法》第四版(《Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution》,4th edition)選擇性地翻譯我自己覺得有趣的段落或部分編章;這本書目前沒有中文版,如...